We just returned from a 10 day trip to NYC to visit family, friends and for me to attend a writers' conference. My social Selby had a great time being doted on by Grandma and Papa, and Aunt Nancy and just checking out all the peeps walking around the big city. She LOVED riding the subway to visit Kellie, Nick, Sophie and baby Jasper in Brooklyn. And she made friends with everyone on the bus when my mom took her to visit cousins Stef, Izzie and Sophie. Her vocab is pretty impressive these days and her grasp of concepts is amazing.
We had Edmond and Marla and their four kiddies over (although Marla doesn't admit to having four children, she prefers to think of them as two sets of two since she has two sets of boy/girl twins) last night and the older set of twins Noah and Ellie along with Selby helped me make cookies. Everyone one wanted to participate so I took turns having each one pour in an ingredient. I thought Selby would be pissy about letting the other two help since she usually is my one and only helper.. but not only did she gracefully share her sous chef responsibilities, she pointed out who went next after her. "It's her turn," she announced. Ok, sounds silly but I was really impressed how she grasped the "taking turns" concept so quickly.
Cute story of the day: When I was getting her ready for school the day after we returned she announced that she had to bring a gift for Max (her sweetie at daycare). Why do you need to bring a gift for Max, I asked her. "Because I have to!" she insisted. So I found an unopened jar of Playdough and she said that was a good one. How cute is that?
Here she is with her cuzzies.