I, unfortunately, left Lulu at the bottom of a Target shopping cart. By this time, Lulu was so dirty and grungy, I'm sure the staff at Target just assumed it was meant for the garbage. So it was not surprising that she didn't turn up in the lost and found. But now...we needed another Lulu since Selby realized she was missing later that night. I took her to the doll aisle in Target a few days later and let her choose. She was overhwhelmed by her options. "Oh, I want that one and that one" she shouted as she pointed to a doll that burped, a doll that cried and a doll that crawled. She lined them all up on the floor and kept bouncing from one to the next trying to make up her mind (after suggesting we buy two). Finally, I let her know that her time was up and she had to choose one.
She chose the same doll that I had left in the shopping cart. She recognized her as her long lost Lulu (although much, much, much cleaner). Instead of choosing a fancy burping, peeing, eating doll...she chose a doll that does nothing, but gather dirt. Oh well. We took Lulu home and it was like a reunion of two old friends. Selby held and rocked her. Put her to bed and threw her over her shoulders like a "sack of potatoes".
Here's a vide of the two friends, and some photos of Selby in the morning.