Friday, January 13, 2012

Science Experiment Success

I wish I had photos of Selby's science experiment but I was too busy helping her to take any. But watching her put it all together was soooo adorable and, fortunately, a success. It's surreal to see her grow as a student, as well as a little girl. She's now able to do simple addition and subtraction and we just got her these first reader Bob books, which she reads TO US. It's amazing to watch her sound out the words, and to see her self-satisfied smile when she figures it out and finishes a book (granted the books are about five pages). My other favorite Selby thing these days is listening to her sing The Lion King. She's learning a lot of the songs by heart, which I'm not allowed to sing with her in the car. "No singing Mama!"

Here she is with one of her favorite holiday gifts (a matching pajama set for her and her American Girl Baby).

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolution to Write More about Selby (and, eventually, her Sibling)

Once again I'm making the resolution/commitment to write more about the amazing Selby. Trust me, it's not for lack of subject matter. She is continuously funny and wonderful. Tom and I frequently say out loud how blessed we are to have such a good-natured, funny and absolutely adorable little girl. For some reason (maybe the impending birth of her sibling), she has been incredibly loving these past few months. At least a couple of times a day she'll say, out of nowhere, "I love you mommy (and then daddy if he's around)."

Today, the plan was to send her on a school field trip as part of winter break camp (her school resumes tomorrow). Because neither Tom or I was going on this trip, as one of us usually does during the school year, she decided she didn't want to go. I told her she could stay home with me and I would kiss and hug her all day long with one movie break. "Ok, let's do that," she said as she crawled into my lap to be kissed and hugged. So I gave her a little sample and asked "Won't this get boring?" and she answered "When I get bored I can watch a movie!" I did eventually convince her to go on the school trip and she, eventually, happily went because her friend Saige was going as well. But I think we both missed out : )

And then there's The Donut ... scheduled to arrive on 2/12/12. Selby will kiss my belly and say good morning and good night to it almost every day. I'm excited to give her a sibling, but nervous about all of our adjustments to having a needy newborn. But, Selby is definitely excited about it and I'm trying to prepare her as best as I can. Here are a few recent photos of her:

Proudly sporting a stach on mustache night in Puerto Vallarta.

Multitasking in PV

My little ballerina.

With Adrian, her assistant teacher and possibly first crush, after her Winter Concert performance.

With her buddy Jada and new favorite stuffed animal Nahla.