Friday, January 11, 2013

Wild Child

Savannah is high energy. I think she's going to be the boy we didn't have. She's on the go -- all the time, which is what my friends tell me their sons are like. At Gymboree classes I look longingly at the other moms who are able to hold their children on their laps for songs and exercises. But, I'm not complaining (often).  She is super giggly, sassy and just funny. Selby has the gift for making her laugh. It will be so interesting to see how their relationship grows and changes as they both get older. Since they are both so beautiful I asked Tom for a good camera for Hanukah this year so I could capture their faces and antics so we never forget. Savannah turns 11 months tomorrow and a year next month and it's  all sort of been a blur. Here we  go ....

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