As some of you may be aware, Selby has a father and Joelle has a husband, and they are also the same individual. And you also may be aware that I am staying home one day a week and hanging with the little one. Today, marked my fourth day home with the bambino and they have all been awesome. The days starts with a trip to Einsteins or Starbucks followed by computer work (if she is sleeping) and usually a house project or two. We have had adventures at the lumber yard (the girls at the service desk warned me about years 13-17), the assessors office (the ladies in the tax department laughed and said wait till she is a teenager), Target, the grocery store and, of course, Chipolte where the girls behind the counter all smile and talk about how "bonita" she is. As Joelle has noted, when you have a 3 month old in tow, everyone wants to talk to you! If i can just leverage her cuteness into 2 for 1 burritos or free guacamole at Chipolte I will be set!
It is truly a blessing to spend uninterupted time with her. Sometimes when I come home from work she is so dialed in to Joelle that she ignores Dad a bit. But on these days, she gives me unlimited suger (smiles).....priceless, and the roles are reversed abit. This afternoon I caught her grinning in her sleep, enough to melt your heart. And today we had a first, she held her bottle and fed herself. Little hands on a big, big bottle....priceless. Finally, she is starting to carry her weight.
u r the almost greatest(got to mention mom joelle)but selby is the greatest. i just love this blog.
thanks mom.
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