Once again I've been remiss is posting about my amazing daughter. She's now eating two real meals a day (bananas and sweet potatoes seem to be winning out as favorites so far). Grandma came to visit last week and the two of them bonded big time. We had our first parent/tot swim class at the Cherry Creek Athletic Club and we've since been back to the pool two more times. She's pretty happy in the water but I suspect she thinks of the pool as a giant bathtub. She's also getting another tooth. Now the first little jagged edge has grown into a jagged stump. And last, but not least, she had her six month check up. Here are the stats followed by photos from Grammy's visit.
Weight: 16 lbs .04 oz 40%
Height: 26 1/2 inces 57%
Head: 17 inches 64%

WHAT AN ANGEL! Joelle, she is beautiful! Good work! *_*
Hey Aunt Joelle!! Selby's getting oh-so cute(she always has been though!)!!! I can't wait to see you guys on monday!
Love always,
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