Every day Tom and I are amazed at what Selby remembers. For example, today while driving in the truck, she pointed to the front seat and said "Papa's seat," then she pointed to her left and said "Grandma's seat" and then to her right and said "Mama's seat." She was pointing out who was sitting where on our drive to Sante Fe over Thanksgiving weekend. And she was correct. Another example (and a sweet one, too). There is a playground near our house that is for children a little older than Selby. I used to take her there often, and just followed her around while she climbed and jumped and played. Because this playground is designed for young children, I always banged my head while chasing after her. It is not fun. So, I stopped taking her there (after suffering a near concussion). But she ended up there with my mom (who didn't realize that that was the 'bad' playground) over Thanksgiving. I followed her around, as usual, but she stopped me to say "No, mamma. Stop. No hurt your head!" She remembered and was concerned for me.
And one more... I was cleaning out her toy boxes the other day and picked up a rubber octopus and Selby pointed to it and said "That's an octopus!" What 2-year-old can recognize an octopus?
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