Her entry into the world was unexpectatedly rough on me. In spite of a very planned out c-section, we had several unplanned complications such as me becoming momentarily paralyzed and unable to speak, or move, after being given a spinal. They quickly did a c-section to get my little girl out. Unfortunately, I was not conscience for the experience. I woke in the recovery room not knowing where I was or what had happened. I quickly realized that I had just given birth."What did we have?????" I asked my husband. "A girl," he answered.
After I got to hold my little blessing, I became sick with a post-operative ileus. I was on an IV and forbidden to eat or drink for a couple of days while the air and gas in my belly escaped. This made nursing complicated, and me dehydrated and miserable. Unfortunately, Selby was not allowed to see me for a few days and this was quite tortuous for all of us. She wanted desperately to see her little sister.
But, the most important thing was that Savannah was healthy -- and here. I rested and healed while my wonderful husband took care of me and the girls (which is now my new favorite phrase "the girls").
Once home, I quickly discovered why all my friends hated me with Selby. She was SOO easy to care for. Savannah, as we often say, is no Selby. She's sweet and wonderful in her own right, but not as easy as Selby (apparently, few babies are). She slept sporadically and ate small amounts -- often. She was happiest in my arms, which is wonderful but tiring. We quickly ran out and bought a variety of swings and sleep apparatuses. They each worked for a bit, but now at 9 months we've gotten rid of all of them (and trying to forget how much they all costs).
She's reaching her developmental milestones much faster than Selby did. She rolled over at about 3 months and crawled at about 7 months. Now she's pulling her self up, clapping, waving and doing a lot of downward dog.
Selby is totally in love with her and such a good big sister. We're incredibly blessed, tired and happy to finally have our family complete. I promise (to try) to write more frequently about my two love muffins and post many photos and videos. Here's a few to get started.
Love at first sight.
Daddy planting a big one on his little one.
Savannah's first party at 3 weeks old. Why are we wearing mustaches? Why not?
Big and little loves.
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