Monday, February 4, 2013

And now for a little bit about Selby

She continues to be a great big sister. She loves Savannah so much, she tells me all the time, except when she plays with her stuff. I can't see this becoming a problem when they get older, can you? She must hug and kiss her mornings and evenings. And aside from her excellent big sister qualities, she's turning into a solid little first graders. She reads to me, or her dolls, every night and actually seems to like math (go figure!). She had to do a book report for her English class the other day where she had to choose a famous person to write about her. Given her new love of gymnastics, she chose Mary Lou Retton (with a little Google help from me). Usually when we do a project together, it's a little bit a power struggle of me wanting her to do it one way and she wanting to do it another way  ... but this time all went smoothly and I think we both enjoyed working on it. A lot of her friends did Vincent Van Gogh...and she informed me that he cut  off his ear and shot himself because he was crazy... and the doctor said he had to die. Don't know why I thought that was so funny... maybe it was because of the earnest way she told me ... or just because I think (almost) everything she does is funny and adorable. Here are some photos from our Pajama breakfast this weekend.

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