Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I'm not sure why we signed up for a camping trip with our 16 month old but Tom said something to the effect of "We'll never have a chance to camp when they're this age again..." I should've said, "That's a good thing!" But in the end, it was a pretty fun, if sleepless trip. Savannah tricked us and fell right asleep in her pack n play, only to wake up a few hours later and then not sleep for the next four. Selby was a champ and had a great time. After dosing Savannah with a little Benedryl the next night, and dosing us with a little scotch and red wine, everyone slept much better. Or at least as best as you could hope for while camping, which is not saying much. Our veteran camper friends thought it was no big deal, but our more "normal" friends, and family, were quite impressed (or thought we were crazy. Probably a little of both). I'm ready to do it again ... next year.

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