That's not to say she's perfect. She has been sick twice this month (not that it's her fault) with a stomach virus and an appearing/disappearing blotchy-red rash. It's so sad to see her listless and not smiling. But, I have to say, she is extra cuddly when she's sick--so there is small upside (I know, bad mom). She now points to Tom and says Dada. She also says, to no one in particular, "Lookalookalookalooka." And she now will feed Nika her food from the highchair, which makes Nika happy and Selby laugh hysterically. Tom has scolded me for allowing her to do this because he doesn't want to teach her to feed Nika from the table (or maybe it's that he doesn't want Nika to get in the habit of begging for food?). Either way, it's so hard for me to stop this behavoir because hearing her laugh is the best sound in the world. (And I'm talking a full-on giggle.)
Her new tricks are waving good-bye AND blowing kisses, as well as climbing down a single stair. I know walking is just around the corner but she seems pretty hestitant to take a step without holding on to something. I think at least one or two more months. She is really becoming more and more of a person--talking and pointing to things and moving around. It's like a little more of the little girl she's going to become emerges every day.
Unfortunately, she had one of her stomach virus bouts the night before her big birthday party so we had to cancel it. Instead, we had a small dinner with just the immediate family, which turned out to be just perfect. Although she was tired by the time we sat down for our meal, she lit up when we gathered around her to sing happy birthday with a cake and candle. Apparently, she likes the song so we've since sang it to her at least twice a day since. Here are some photos of Selby with her best friend from the Big 1 celebration.