Monday, May 16, 2011

Shall We Dance?

Last night was the annual DMIS Father Daughter Dance. I admit I was a little jealous. How fun to get dressed up and go dancing with Selby and all the other DMIS moms? I did get some good photos. Unfortunately, the ones below are not them. The good ones are on Tom's camera, which means there's a good chance no one will ever see them again. These are from my iPhone, and they'll do the trick for now.

Unrelated to the Father/Daughter Dance ... Selby brought up the subject of death (as she would say: for real). It went something like this:

Selby: I'm little so I'm not going to die for a VERY long time.
Me: This is true.
Selby: Ammy is old. She's going to die before me.
Me: Yes, Ammy is older than you but I don't think she's going to die for a long time.
Selby: Good.

And then one last Selby nugget. After dinner the other night: "Mommy, I like dessert." Me: "No shit." Kidding, I didn't really say that. But I thought it.

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