Monday, May 23, 2011

Selby and Snakes and Lizards -- Oh My!

We went to the annual JCC Family Festival yesterday and had a ball and stayed, as usual, until the very end. We saw our friends Eric and Ari, Nancy and Emmett, Rich and Alexandra/William and a few other old BMH friends. We did face painting, animal petting, rocket firing, jumpy castle jumping, train riding and bagel and cream cheese eating (three mini ones!). But the most amazing thing was the snake and iguana petting. Selby was a bit too comfortable petting and squeezing and teasing the gigantic boa constrictor. And then when it came to the giant lizards, she kept cradling them as if they were here dolls. I had to put my foot down when she started kissing the the blue-tongue that was darting in and out of the lizard. Not only was she holding them like a baby (as her dad instructed her to do earlier in the day) but she was giving all the other kids instructions and lessons on holding it, as if she worked for the animal handler. It would've been hilarious if it weren't so disgusting.

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