Friday, June 3, 2011

The Little Giver

First I want to talk about how much fun I'm having doing arts and craft projects with Selby. It's this whole new side of me that I never knew existed. I've always been a lover of books and theater, but now Selby is bringing out my inner creative artist. Probably the fact that she loves painting and crafting makes me like it more, but it does feel good to create things. We've made mobiles, magnetic picture frames, rings, necklaces, etc. I actually get excited about going to Michael's Craft Store.

Secondly, I want to talk about how amazingly generous Selby is. I don't know where she gets this from but she always (ALWAYS) wants to give her friends and others presents. When she makes something, her first thought is who to give it to. We were making a treasure box out of popsicle sticks the other day and after spending quite a bit of time on it, she immediately wanted to give it to her teachers. Then she started drawing and putting stickers and sparkles on extra sticks and wanted to give them to all the girls in her class. Well, actually she wanted to give a few sticks to her favorite friends but I explained that if we gave it to one or two girls we'd have to give it to all of them. How would she feel if she didn't get a present from Lily but Bela did? She understood immediately and decorated more sticks. I decided they were bookmarks (a better present, I think, than just fancy sticks) and she happily wrote her name and each girl in her class's name on them and we gave them out the next day.

Unrelated to the above, here she is in her beautiful flower dress in our beautiful garden this weekend and one of us at a BBQ.

Makes me smile.

1 comment:

Barbara W. Gray said...

Sounds like a #2 on the enneagram!